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Huanhe Formation
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Huanhe Fm base reconstruction

Huanhe Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Cretaceous, K1hh, (16)

Shaanxi, Gansu

Type Locality and Naming

Ordos Basin. M.L. Fuller and F.G. Clapp designated the Hwa-Chi Formation and the Hwan-Ho Formation. The locality for the designation was in Huanxian and Huachi of the Huanhe basin of east Gansu. The reference section is from Baozigou of the Heshui County of Gansu to Heishuisi of Fuxian of Shaanxi (108°28′E; 36°17′N). Lower middle formation in Zhidan Gr

Lithology and Thickness

The Huanhe Formation is represented by purple red, brown red, green and gray differently thick interbedded sandstone, siltstone, silty mudstone, mudstone and shale. The formation is 548.8 m thick.

Lithology Pattern: 
Fine-grained sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Its base, marked by brown red sandstone with oblique micro-bedding, is separated from sandstone with large oblique beddings of the underlying Luohe Fm and lies unconformably under the latter.

Upper contact

Its top, marked by purple gray and gray mudstone with sandstone, lies unconformably under the Upper Pleistocene Malan Fm. Regionally, it is conformably overlain by the Aptian Luohandong Fm

Regional extent

The present formation occurs in the vast area of the southern and northern parts of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia basin. It crops out in Otog Qi, Otog Qianqi and Hanggin Qi of Inner Mongolia. It is characterized by purple red and gray blue sandstone with small oblique beddings, which may reach 705 m in thickness downhole. In Shaanxi it is distributed north of the line linking Yijun, Xunyi, Binxian and Ganyang, and extends to Huangling, Zhidan and Yulin. It is fine and persistent in lithology. Only in Caobigou of Ganyang, it contains conglomerate and gravel-bearing grit, with a decrease of thickness from north to south and from east to west, generally from 329 to 538 m. In Gansu, it is found in Huanxian, Zhenyuan, Huachi, Qingyang and Heshui, with the lithology becoming finer from northeast to southwest and with a thickness ranging from 257 to 734 m. It is of lacustrine deposition. In Hedaochuan of Huanxian, it lies conformably under conglomerate of the overlying Luohandong Fm. In Ningxia, it is observed downhole in Lingwu and Yanchi and its lower part is dominated by brown red -variegated gravel-bearing sandstone and conglomerate, while its upper part, fine in lithology, is dominated by mudstone, clayey sandstone and sandstone, with a thickness ranging from 478 to 584 m.




It yields Reptilia Psittacosaurus sp. and Chelonia Chelonia in Duguikahan of southeast Hanggin Qi and the northern and western parts of Otog Qi of Inner Mongolia; estherias Eosestheria cf. sinensis and Orthestheria sp. and bivalves Corbicula (Meaocorbicula) sp. in Huanxian of Gansu; Reptilia Huanhepterus guingyangensis in Sanshilipu of Qingyang; ostracods Cypridea unicostata, C. cf. koskulensis and Rhinocypris cirrita in Dingbian of Shaanxi; Pisces Sinamia zdanskyi in Wuqi of Gansu; Pisces Lycoptera woodwardi in Caobigou of Ganyang. The present formation also yields floras and sporopollen grains.


Shown as Hauterivian through early Barremian by Dangpeng Xi, Xiaoqiao Wan, et al. (2019; Integrated Stratigraphy and TimeScale of China).

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It is of fluvial-lacustrine deposition and Qihua et al consider that the lower part of the formation is of desert facies.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Wan Xiaoqiao